Open flight maps

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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

But manual map rectification is so bored. :x
Try to ask OFM community or site admin to distribute their maps in GeoTIFF, ECW, MrSID or other georeferenced image formats. And without map legend written directly on the map.

All other formats (AIXM 4.5, ARINC424, OPENAIR, CUP) is a specific aviation data formats. It can not be easily converted into Magellan map format.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

Can you use the slippy map format – same as google uses:

This will be available soon for openflightmap.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

Is it an online map such as Google online map? Or it will be offline map available for download?
If it will be an online service such as Google map or tile server, then I'll try to download that tiles using MOBAC or SASplanet "night build" software.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

It will be an offline and online – depending on the requirements. If you are a rocketroute user you can use the tiles from Friday (05/27/2016), they are provided for free to all users through the rocketroute apps.

Does this help us? Please advise.

Thanks so much!!!!
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

I am sorry, but:
1) I have no any Android device to run RocketRoute app
2) I found an "apk" file for RocketRoute app, but I have no sufficient skills to hack it and get a tile URL

But nevertheless, I found an interesting software called "VfrFlight".
It can show a map and some flight information on top of map. (it can use OFM data in AIXM 4.5 format). This software is still under development by enthusiast. So, you can ask an author to add a feature of export a map and flight information into some useful raster format (i.e. GeoTIFF or MrSID)

And there is one good thing.
The GlobalMapper software can import OPENAIR data format. I tried to unzip and open "OPENAIR ED" German openair snapshot. And after changing file name extension from "txt" to "txt_" and manually selecting data type as "OpenAir AirSpace format" all that files were imported.
But there are some questions.
1) There are several data files in two folders:
Folder "embedded" and folder "isolated" with three different files inside:
ed.desktop.strepla.openair.txt, ed.seeyou.openair.txt and ed.winpilot.openair.txt
What file(s) you need?
2) All figures visualized using black solid lines. It is different from visualization at PDF files, where several line types and several colors are used. Does it important?
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

Here is a test map
This is an OSM map rendered with standart Mapnik renderer. Zoom level 10 (or 11 by SAS Planet zoom scale). And there is an OpenFlightMap data (imported in GlobalMapper from OpenAir format) on this map.
Note: GlobalMapper understood that OFM data as a set of Polygons (Area Features) with some tags.
Each polygon have tags "Name", "CEILING", "CLASS", "FLOOR", "Description" (the Description tag for all polygons is filled with word "Airspace")
So, I can filter polygons by "CLASS" tag (there are A, B, C, CTR, D, G, P. Q , R, RMZ, TMZ, W) and assign different line styles for each class.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

I'm out of my office until July 7, 2016 and therefore I'm not able to look into your file. I think you helped the pilots a lot with T2000 and equal instruments since today. Thanks for your support.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

Please have a look to the attached file, in which you can see the differences. The most relevant difference is the missing of the explanation of the lines, e.g. C-FL 100 - 3500 ft MSL. This means that you cannot flight in the box from 3.500 feet - 10.000 feet sea level without the permission the tower. It is not so important to have the lines in colours but you need the info about the lines.
Summarized you cannot use the file without these info. The first file is better than the new one.

Sorry about this info.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

But where is an attached file? I can not see it. :0007

And about GlobalMapper and OpenAir format: I can add CEILING, CLASS and FLOOR fields to name (label) strings.

Code: Select all

%<Feature Name>%  
And the label will be something like this (label can be multyline):

I can also change font type and size (i.e. "Arial" instead of "TimesNewRoman")

As I see OpenAir format is easy to understand.

For example:

Code: Select all

AN TMA LOWG 3 119.30 123.025 124.40 131.025 265.70
AH FL 245
AL FL 195
DP 47:18:30 N 15:18:41 E
DP 47:19:03 N 15:23:22 E
DP 47:11:33 N 15:25:27 E
DP 47:12:15 N 15:22:47 E
DP 47:11:06 N 15:20:45 E
DP 47:18:30 N 15:18:41 E
AC - class
AN - name (in UTF8 codepage)
AH - max. height
AL - min. height
DP - points with altitude and longitude coordinates. The set of points describes poligon.
So, what information is missing there?
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »


Sorry about the missing attachment. But here it is (hopefully). :roll: :roll:

As you can see, the word "Sierra" and its pictogramm (blue triangle) and the pictogramm for an airport (circle with a square) and the name of it aren't visible in the new file.

Thanks so much.

Best regards

benchmark open flight maps.jpg
benchmark open flight maps.jpg (122.68 KiB) Viewed 27075 times
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

the word "Sierra" and its pictogramm (blue triangle) and the pictogramm for an airport (circle with a square) and the name of it aren't visible
There are no information about "Sierra" and no info about pictogramm for an airport in that OpenAir data files.

So, the best way to get a good map is an old way: download PDF - boring manual rectification in GM - changing projection and export to GeoTIFF - export to RMP using RMPCreator by Antalos.

P.S. I shall try to ask OFM team about rectified raster maps.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

Here is their answer:
"yes we can, just working on an intermediate export format which can be used by as many providers as possible"
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

Well, the bad news first..... 8)
But it looks to me that they are working on a better version to solve our issue. Anyway, I'm happy with the current (old) version and I need an update in one year or later. Probably open flightmaps has then the better version ......

I appreciate your support. :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

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Re: Open flight maps

Post by piloti »

Hello Dimonster2,

can you do me a favor again? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

On Sa, Apr 16, 11:53 you've created us under the maps for following miles scales: 0,75 miles + 1,0 + 1,5 + 2,0 + 3,0 + 5,0 miles (km scales: 1,2 + 1,6 + 2,4 + 3,2 + 4,8 + 8,0 km).

Can you provide us the map for 12 and 20 and 30 km also? But please do it only if it's a click (or 2 clicks) for you. :lol: :lol:
We do not want big inconvenience for you, because you've helped us so much with the maps already. :) :D :thumbup

Thanks so much again.

Best regards

Piloti and colleagues.
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Re: Open flight maps

Post by dimonster2 »

There is a problem with that "12km", "20km" and "30km". All text labels at the map became very small and unreadable :(
Look at this maps
They are 150 meters per pixel, 250 mpp and 375 mpp.
Note: map data is the same as for my previous maps (OFM, april 2016).
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